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Create Happiness
Create Happiness

The Years Are Slipping By... Are You HAPPY?

What if you could START and FINISH every day with boundless OPTIMISM and a sunny outlook, feeling HAPPY, ENERGETIC, INSPIRED and JOYFUL?

What if you could get unstuck and stop worrying that the years are just passing you by…instead grabbing hold of the GOOD LIFE, feeling FULFILLED because you know you are living a life with purpose?

What if you could stop settling for less and that constant longing for something more…and start building the MEANINGFUL life of HAPPINESS and JOY that you really want?


Hi, I’m Michelle Dumas, the founder and CEO of Distinctive Career Services, one of the career services industry’s longest-standing resume writing and career marketing firms and an industry pioneer on the internet.

My mission: to empower as many people as possible to with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to build a career and create a fulfilling life of their own design. Since 1996, when we launched our first website, we have positively impacted the lives of well over 10,000 individuals in all 50 U.S. states and internationally.

What I have learned over the past quarter-century is that too many people are settling, feeling stuck in a career and a life that is unsatisfying and unfulfilling, even joyless, and are always searching for that elusive feeling of happiness, and yet always coming up short.

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One of the most fascinating parts of my work is the window I get into my clients’ lives. They open up to me and tell me their most personal stories that reach far beyond just their professional lives and into their everyday lives.

What is supposed to be a one-hour phone consultation often turns into two hours…sometimes three hours or more.

Mostly, my clients are just every day, normal people—people just like you and me—sharing their unfulfilled goals and dreams, looking for some help reaching those dreams.

Do any of these stories sound familiar?

Feeling the years whizzing by, regretful about missed opportunities and yearning for something more before it’s too late.

Feeling trapped in a pattern of self-doubt and negativity, with a nagging sense of discontentment that they just can’t seem to break out from.

Feeling burned out and tired, unhappy in careers that just aren’t right for them, yet stuck by circumstances outside their control.

Feeling anxious about a lost  job and many times, a lost sense of identity, all made worse by a mix of depression, loneliness, and mourning that they just can’t shake.

Feeling a deep desire for something…anything…to change, often brought on by a loss of passion and inspiration and reflection on what their true purpose is.

Feeling that happiness will come to them “someday, hopefully” but in the meantime just going through the necessary motions to get by in life.

And sometimes I hear truly gut-wrenching stories of divorce, deaths of loved ones, bankruptcy and other financial problems, and life-altering accidents and illnesses. 

Let’s face it. Life can be very stressful and sometimes disappointing or even traumatic.

It is no wonder that so many people struggle for years, dreaming for something better just beyond their grasp, doing what they must to get through life, and thinking that if only “this” was different they’d finally be happy…always hoping for the best but deep down expecting the worst.


I also count among my clients people who almost seem to sparkle with happiness and a positive outlook

People who instantly raise your spirits when you talk with them because their positive attitude and zest for life are infectious.

People who radiate optimism and a sense of inner peace and contentment, living their lives with a sense of purpose. 

People who experience many of the same life challenges, even the disappointments and traumas, as the rest of us, but seem more resilient and better able to cope and overcome the difficulties.

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Now, I’ll be honest. These amazing, happy people may or may not enjoy all the traditional rewards of success.

You know what I mean…earning great salaries, living in beautiful homes, driving fancy cars, and going on amazing vacations.

Some of them do, but many live more humbly and have defined success in their own unique way that has nothing to do with money or possessions.

But I would still describe ALL these happy people as being optimistic, cheerful, excited about life and all its complexities, and resilient when life does throw its occasional lemons.

Now, I’m an endlessly curious person, so I couldn’t help but wonder exactly what is the difference?

After all, ALL of my clients—the happy ones and the not-so-happy ones—are smart and competent. Most have great careers. All of them are talented and accomplished in their own ways.

Yet, despite these similarities, some are happy and enjoying life and some of them get stuck in those external difficulties and are perpetually chasing an elusive belief that “Someday I’ll be happy. Happiness is just around the corner…just as soon as I achieve______.”

"Maybe I'm Just Missing Something"

Does any of this sound familiar?

I have to admit that in the past, I was guilty of it too at times. Here are some of the biggest ones I have struggled with…


I could finally get organized, stick to a schedule, and be really productive…THEN I’ll be happy.


I could finally lose the 20 pounds that have crept up on me in middle age…THEN I’ll be happy.


I could finally get that book out of my head and on paper, and into print…THEN I’ll be happy.


I land that big contract I’ve been pursuing or that  deal I’ve been negotiating…THEN I’ll be happy.


I buy that new outfit I’ve been eyeing and those shoes to go with it…THEN I’ll be happy.

If only…if only…if only. And the list goes on. Can you relate?

So, what is the difference?

The question consumed me.

Why do some people seem so joyous, optimistic, and happy no matter what life throws at them? 

And others get mired in the problems, stuck and unable to get out?

What are the keys to real, lasting happiness in life?

It isn’t a fat wallet (although, that can certainly make life easier). It isn’t status or possessions. Happiness is not tangible in quite these ways.

Happiness is our essential nature. We simply need to claim it.

Happiness is a state of mind that must be cultivated and nurtured to make it grow and become strong.

It’s a journey that each of us can pursue if we have the right map.

It was these realizations, founded in the scientific research findings of positive psychology, that led to my developing Creating Happiness: How to Find More Joy in Your Life & Work.

Create Happiness



A comprehensive, practical 30-day map and action plan for your journey to joy and happiness. Creating Happiness will provide you with direct access to happiness increasing strategies, simple steps to take, practical advice, and everything that you need to choose happiness and rekindle your zest for both your personal and professional life.

Addison Testimonial Images

"Highlight part of the quote right here so that it stands out. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin"

Biscuit tart wafer macaroon halvah danish cupcake gingerbread. Chocolate cake jelly-o marshmallow ice cream liquorice jelly-o sweet roll jelly-o. Pastry cake chocolate cake jelly-o.

Oat cake fruitcake sesame snaps chupa chups lollipop oat cake dessert topping fruitcake. Icing muffin gummies fruitcake lemon drops fruitcake jelly tiramisu. Cupcake chocolate cake sugar plum sugar plum gingerbread. Powder soufflé caramels icing tiramisu.

Bear claw cupcake dragée jelly beans. Halvah sugar plum ice cream. Cupcake sugar plum lollipop fruitcake croissant.

Brownie tootsie roll cotton candy bonbon jelly-o jelly beans marshmallow chocolate cake. Muffin soufflé chocolate cake oat cake cupcake brownie cake. Cotton candy cheesecake chupa chups pie chocolate sugar plum pudding. Lemon drops candy ice cream chocolate cheesecake cookie cake bear claw.

Soufflé sweet macaroon jelly lemon drops tiramisu cookie gummies. Pie jujubes tootsie roll tootsie roll chocolate cake soufflé sweet. Gingerbread chocolate marzipan oat cake sugar plum wafer chocolate biscuit. Chupa chups wafer tiramisu lollipop cake dragée.


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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin. Chupa chups dragée sugar plum wafer liquorice ice cream topping oat cake chupa chups. Donut biscuit lollipop gummi bears sugar plum pudding.

Module One 1

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A short description of what this module is all about. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin.

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A short description of what this module is all about. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin.

The name or a really great description of your module goes here

A short description of what this module is all about. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin.

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The name or a really great description of your module goes here

A short description of what this module is all about. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin.

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Irene Kredenets Tbamskmxk 0 Unsplash Scaled 1

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Describe what the bonus is and what kind of results they can get from the bonus. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

(Value = $97) Included inside of Course Name
2 5
Irene Kredenets Tbamskmxk 0 Unsplash Scaled 1

The name or a really great description of your Bonus goes here

Describe what the bonus is and what kind of results they can get from the bonus. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

(Value = $97) Included inside of Course Name
3 5
Irene Kredenets Tbamskmxk 0 Unsplash Scaled 1

The name or a really great description of your Bonus goes here

Describe what the bonus is and what kind of results they can get from the bonus. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

(Value = $97) Included inside of Course Name
4 3
Irene Kredenets Tbamskmxk 0 Unsplash Scaled 1

The name or a really great description of your Bonus goes here

Describe what the bonus is and what kind of results they can get from the bonus. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

(Value = $97) Included inside of Course Name

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Outline your guarantee here. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin. Chupa chups dragée sugar plum wafer liquorice ice cream topping oat cake chupa chups. Donut biscuit lollipop gummi bears sugar plum pudding. Liquorice sweet toffee muffin gingerbread pastry dessert dragée.

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Addison Testimonial Images

"Highlight part of the quote right here so that it stands out. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin"

Biscuit tart wafer macaroon halvah danish cupcake gingerbread. Chocolate cake jelly-o marshmallow ice cream liquorice jelly-o sweet roll jelly-o. Pastry cake chocolate cake jelly-o.

Oat cake fruitcake sesame snaps chupa chups lollipop oat cake dessert topping fruitcake. Icing muffin gummies fruitcake lemon drops fruitcake jelly tiramisu. Cupcake chocolate cake sugar plum sugar plum gingerbread. Powder soufflé caramels icing tiramisu.

Bear claw cupcake dragée jelly beans. Halvah sugar plum ice cream. Cupcake sugar plum lollipop fruitcake croissant.


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Addison Testimonial Images

"Highlight part of the quote right here so that it stands out. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin"

Biscuit tart wafer macaroon halvah danish cupcake gingerbread. Chocolate cake jelly-o marshmallow ice cream liquorice jelly-o sweet roll jelly-o. Pastry cake chocolate cake jelly-o.

Oat cake fruitcake sesame snaps chupa chups lollipop oat cake dessert topping fruitcake. Icing muffin gummies fruitcake lemon drops fruitcake jelly tiramisu. Cupcake chocolate cake sugar plum sugar plum gingerbread. Powder soufflé caramels icing tiramisu.

Bear claw cupcake dragée jelly beans. Halvah sugar plum ice cream. Cupcake sugar plum lollipop fruitcake croissant.


Business Name, Business Title

Addison Testimonial Images

"Highlight part of the quote right here so that it stands out. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé biscuit biscuit muffin"

Biscuit tart wafer macaroon halvah danish cupcake gingerbread. Chocolate cake jelly-o marshmallow ice cream liquorice jelly-o sweet roll jelly-o. Pastry cake chocolate cake jelly-o.

Oat cake fruitcake sesame snaps chupa chups lollipop oat cake dessert topping fruitcake. Icing muffin gummies fruitcake lemon drops fruitcake jelly tiramisu. Cupcake chocolate cake sugar plum sugar plum gingerbread. Powder soufflé caramels icing tiramisu.

Bear claw cupcake dragée jelly beans. Halvah sugar plum ice cream. Cupcake sugar plum lollipop fruitcake croissant.


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My name is Your Name.

This section is all about you. This is where you spill the beans on all things you and why you’re qualified to teach them! Tell them about your background, your experience, and why you created this program. And definitely include a photo of you in this section.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gingerbread pudding. Tootsie roll wafer marshmallow chupa chups muffin dragée chupa chups. Jelly brownie chupa chups fruitcake icing topping jelly-o. Dessert pastry sugar plum bear claw.

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Is Course Name for You?

An instant identity and something they would like to achieve so they know it’s a  perfect fit.

An instant identity and something they would like to achieve so they know it’s a  perfect fit.

An instant identity and something they would like to achieve so they know it’s a  perfect fit.


Here's why you need to get inside of Course Name today

This is where you’ll seal the deal. Remind them WHY they need this course and why they need it NOW. Remind them what their life/business will look like after they get done working with you.

Tiramisu cookie marshmallow oat cake. Jelly-o bear claw fruitcake. Dragée icing soufflé lemon drops apple pie topping cheesecake.

Brownie sesame snaps cotton candy candy sugar plum. Marzipan cheesecake dragée dessert donut gummies tootsie roll tootsie roll fruitcake. Candy canes jelly biscuit chupa chups chocolate bonbon cotton candy. Tootsie roll sugar plum macaroon carrot cake sweet halvah lemon drops jelly-o.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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